Double Mersennes Prime Search

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Factor : 231,733,529 k : 884 Factored k : 22 x 13 x 17 Bits : 27.787900 Discovered by : Raphael Robinson Program : IBM 701 assembly Date : 1957-04-30 Cofactor : composite Notes : Found during the period February-April 1957 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Factor : 62,914,441 k : 60 Factored k : 22 x 3 x 5 Bits : 25.906900 Discovered by : Raphael Robinson Program : IBM 701 assembly Date : 1957-04-30 Cofactor : composite Notes : Found during the period February-April 1957 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Factor : 338,193,759,479 k : 20,644,229 Factored k : 20644229 Bits : 38.299100 Discovered by : Wilfrid Keller Program : TR 440 assembly Date : 1976-01-01 Cofactor : composite Notes : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Factor : 64,296,354,767 k : 245,273 Factored k : 7 x 37 x 947 Bits : 35.904000 Discovered by : Wilfrid Keller Program : TR 440 assembly Date : 1981-11-27 Cofactor : composite, c39438 Notes : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Factor : 295,257,526,626,031 k : 68,745 Factored k : 3 x 5 x 4583 Bits : 48.069000 Discovered by : Wilfrid Keller Program : TR 440 assembly Date : 1981-11-27 Cofactor : composite Notes : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Factor : 5,746,991,873,407 k : 5,480,769 Factored k : 3 x 7 x 31 x 8419 Bits : 42.385900 Discovered by : Will Edgington - Wilfrid Keller Program : mers - Ubasic Date : 1994-08-20 Cofactor : composite Notes : The date of discovery of the factor by Will Edgington is unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Factor : 87,054,709,261,955,177 k : 20,269,004 Factored k : 22 x 7 x 723893 Bits : 56.272800 Discovered by : Tony Forbes - Wilfrid Keller Program : unknown - Ubasic Date : 1994-08-20 Cofactor : composite Notes : The program and date of discovery of the factor by Tony Forbes is unknown --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Factor        : 242,557,615,644,693,265,201
k             :              56,474,845,800
Factored k    : 23 x 3 x 52 x 94124743
Bits          : 67.716900
Discovered by : Reto Keiser
Program       : MFAC 2.27
Date          : 1999-12-06
Cofactor      : composite
Notes         : 


Factor : 824,271,579,602,877,114,508,714,150,039 k : 786,088,134,555,002,426,637,237 Factored k : 3 x 11 x 199 x 39509 x 3029759717908279 Bits : 99.379000 Discovered by : Phil Moore Program : Prime95 ECM Date : 2000-12-06 Cofactor : composite Notes : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Factor        : 2,106,734,551,102,073,202,633,922,471
k             :         2,009,142,465,006,831,375,405
Factored k    : 3 x 5 x 113 x 112877 x 10501118807327
Bits          : 90.767100
Discovered by : Phil Moore
Program       : Prime95 ECM
Date          : 2003-03-20
Cofactor      : composite
Notes         : 


Factor : 210,206,826,754,181,103,207,028,761,697,008,013,415,622,289 k : 12,831,572,869,868,215,309,915,075,185,997,314,944,184 Factored k : 23 x 34 x 11 x 512237490733 x 3514316262671725281413641 Bits : 147.237000 Discovered by : Phil Moore Program : Prime95 ECM Date : 2003-06-12 Cofactor : composite, c2410 Notes : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Factor : 178,021,379,228,511,215,367,151 k : 41,448,832,329,225 Factored k : 3 x 52 x 552651097723 Bits : 77.236400 Discovered by : Ernst Mayer Program : Mfactor Date : 2005-06-20 Cofactor : composite Notes : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Factor : 65,997,004,087,015,989,956,123,720,407,169 k : 62,939,767,805,625,535,208,887,232 Factored k : 26 x 5563 x 107422907 x 1645656546343 Bits : 105.702000 Discovered by : Phil Moore Program : Prime95 ECM Date : 2011-09-30 Cofactor : composite, c157749 Notes : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Factor        : 4,565,880,376,922,810,768,406,683,467,841,114,102,689
k             :         4,354,371,152,558,437,238,007,697,566,257,712
Factored k    :  24 x 3 x 1512 x 1123 x 234879173 x 15083636118038911

Bits          : 131.746000
Discovered by : Phil Moore
Program       : Prime95 ECM
Date          : 2023-12-06
Cofactor      : composite
Notes         : 


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